Catalog your health
Access your complete medical record via the largest medical information network in the country. Verify your identity and get started in minutes.
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Why ReconnectCare?
Catalog your healthcare:
your home base to control the future of your health
View your active medications and set prescription reminders
Search for providers in any network and specialty, nationwide
Track spending against your current deductible - choose the right next step for you
Enhance your future health by tracking your health history - view your complete medical record in minutes
Manage your day to day clinical and prescription needs while building a complete picture of your health - all in your control and on your terms.
Access over 1500+ Insurance plans Plus Health Saving and Flexible Saving Accounts
95% medication adherence for our medication management members
Research over 1 million doctors and 4 million healthcare providers
100% all payer coverage: view deductible and out of pocket coverage for you and your family members
Search 100,000+ care sites
Your full medical record at your fingertips
With your authorization, ReconnectCare instantly searches our nationwide network of clinics, labs and hospitals to provide you the most comprehensive and up to date view of your medical history. Review, share and archive your healthcare profile today.
Learn MoreMedication management made easy
Always have the most current view of every medication you've used for the past year including drug names, strengths, fill dates and more. Includes the option for you to have your meds sorted and shipped to your home.
Learn MorePowerful research tools to find providers in any insurance network
Search by location, insurance coverage, specialty, ratings, education and more. Find the right provider for you or your loved ones.
Learn MoreYour insurance coverage made simple
Do you really know what your insurance covers? ReconnectCare lets you see what's covered and what's not based on the procedure, speciality, and your specific plan. Know your financial responsibility.
Learn MoreI'm Dr. Jonanthan Hinds and thanks for exploring ReconnectCare. I've spent the majority of my career helping patients on the front lines of Emergency Rooms across the United States. During that time I saw needs of both the patient and provider develop as a result of access to new information and data and BIG changes in the ways we live and work. ReconnectCare's mission is to simplify access to detailed health information that puts the patient in control. With access to easy to understand, real time information, patients will be able to make better choices and build relationships directly with healthcare professionals they feel comfortable with. That's why I'm a co-founder of ReconnectCare.
So thanks for visiting and I hope you both choose to become a member and find our services useful. Email me and tell me what you think!
Hannibal, Missouri
New Orleans, Louisiana
New York, New York